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사이트 경로

  1. 블로그
  2. 새로운 동영상 및 애니메이션 GIF로 십대들의 목소리를 담았습니다.

새로운 동영상 및 애니메이션 GIF로 십대들의 목소리를 담았습니다.

Today, StopBullying.gov launched two new videos and an animated GIF that address the issue of labels and how words can do harm. This project is a result of regular engagement and collaboration with one of the main audiences for StopBullying.gov: teens.

Communication professionals pride themselves on coming up with big ideas and big messages. I am one of those people, but I also recognize when I may need a little help connecting with my audience. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a teen’s shoes, much less the fashionable variety worn by the youth of today.

My work with StopBullying.gov has afforded me a great opportunity to regularly work with teens and to gain a better understanding of what they go through on a day-to-day basis. In the past year, I have had the pleasure to work with teens from 4-H, listen to presentations by youth during bullying prevention workshops, and scour the internet in search for which types of messages resonate with teens.

One theme that has come up, time and time again, is that words can do harm and that labels don’t equal the person. We have previously explored this idea on the StopBullying.gov blog, affirming our position to not label children. But there’s more to this idea than just the research.

Every time that I have spoken with youth about bullying, the idea of labels has come up. Teens have expressed that they don’t want to be defined by the color of their skin, their interests, or by perceived stereotypes. This notion of labels being harmful, and how teens regular fight against stereotyping, is something that affect teens from all walks of life.

These creative pieces address some of the hateful language that teens face and empower them to rise above the chatter and to love themselves for who they are. By regularly working with teens directly, I believe we can better address the issues that affect them every day. And if we can reach one teen and inspire them to rise above bullying, then we are well on our way to inspiring a new generation of teens.

For more inspiration for teens, visit the StopBullying.gov Tumblr page.