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괴롭힘을 방지할 수 있는 힘을 키워 보세요

Parents and caregivers are a child’s first and best teacher. Your child is listening and remembering your advice, even when it seems like he/she is not paying attention. In fact, spending 15 minutes a day listening and talking with your child can help build the foundation for a strong relationship and provide reassurance that he/she can come to you with a problem. It can also help your child recognize and respond to bullying.

So, what will you say? KnowBullying, a new mobile app by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), can help get the conversation started. The app provides tips on talking about school, work, relationships, life, and bullying. You can help prevent bullying and increase communication with your child while making dinner, shopping, or anytime you and your child have 15 minutes together. The app also has a feature to remind you that it’s time to talk.

KnowBullying by SAMHSA includes:

  • Information about bullying
  • Warning signs that your child may be bullying others, being bullied, or witnessing others being bullied
  • Conversation starters to talk with your child about bullying
  • Reminders to talk with your child at times that work best for you and your family
  • Ability to share advice right from the app in an email and/or text message
  • Quick access to bullying prevention resources
  • Resources for educators

Go ahead, get started. Download KnowBullying by SAMHSA and take the first step toward protecting your child from bullying. 

This blog originally appeared on SAMHSA’s Blog.